Public vs Private Health Insurance: A Comprehensive Analysis

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By kt41s

Public vs Private Health Insurance: A Comprehensive Analysis

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Public vs Private Health Insurance: Health insurance in the United States comes in two primary forms: public and private. The difference between these two types of insurance is quite profound. Therefore, recognizing their objectives, merits and demerits forms the basis of analyzing the country’s health care system.

Medicare, Medicaid and insurance coverages granted under ACA are quite different from the private commercial health insurance plans. That are provided either through employer or by the individual. These introduced variations in costs, availability, insurance and the effectiveness of health sector in a given economy.

insurance | private insurance | public insurance
insurance | private insurance | public insurance

Government funded health insurance plan targets those individuals who otherwise could not afford the cost of health care. There are three major programs of public health insurance under which Americans can get insurance in the USA. These includes Medicare, Medicaid and Health plans under the Affordable Care Act.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program

It mainly targets a population of five and older individuals. But will also take care of younger people with disabilities or certain health conditions. Medicare is a federal program that requires elderly people, who, due to their age. Have limited ability to pay for health services because of pre-existing conditions or diseases. To receive the necessary medical care services.


There are many parts in Medicare and all of them are aimed differently in providing health coverage. This is split into Part A which deal with hospital costs. Part B which deals with outpatient costs and Part D which deals with prescription drugs costs. Medicare Advantage, also known part C, is a coherent whole of part A, B and part D offering insurance through subcontracting plans.

Anyone can become a beneficiary of the program since it has vast enrollment opportunities. But they must cater for various other charges like premiums, deductibles, and co-payments. However, this has remained largely as a vital source of health insurance. Cover to a huge number of citizens not only in view of the aging population in the country.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Medicaid

Medicaid is a jointly funded state and federal program that gives health care coverage. To low-income residents which includes children and families. While Medicare is aim at catering to the elderly and other older adults. Medicaid focuses on low-income earners regardless of their age and includes children, pregnant women, elderly persons, and the disabled.

private healthcare | public healthcare | private vs public healthcare
private healthcare | public healthcare | private vs public healthcare

The federal money funds most of the costs and states contribute the balance, and it is implement at the state level . The extent, the categories, and the nature of coverage can again differ across states. The ACA permitted the states to expand the eligibility for Medicaid and not all of them took the opportunity to do so.

Medicaid therefore provides a myriad of health care services that include. Hospital and doctor services, Prescribed drugs, Mental Health services, and Preventive care services. It is a very useful service to those people who, maybe, would not get any basic medical care in general.

However, the state variability of the system, its complexity. The fact that due to a shortage of providers or low reimbursement rates. The care can be inaccessible by the beneficiaries.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: ACA/ Medicaid Expansion

Public vs Private Health Insurance: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or ACA for short was sign in to law. In 2010 with the main goal of getting more Americans insured. At the pinnacle of health care reforms by ACA, the creation of the state-based health insurance market place.

where in individuals and households can access health insurance regardless of the status of their health condition was a forepart of the law. The ACA was also instrumental in increasing the number of eligible participants on Medicaid. Even if some states have declined to accept such action.

The health insurance marketplaces also use the premium credit Bridges containing subsidies for the insured persons depending on the income they earn. The ACA’s major objective is to address the problem of uninsured population and make health insurance cheaper. For the population that does not fall under the jurisdictions of the programs number 19 and 20.

According to the ACA, the anxieties remain like premium increases and restricted options in specific geographical locations.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Private Health Insurance Schemes

Private health insurance refers to that which is offered by other organizations other than the government. It can be procured by employers or organizations. It can be bought directly by individuals, or can also be bought from brokers and exchanges.

private versus public healthcare | private vs public insurance | Difference private public health insurance
private versus public healthcare | private vs public insurance | Difference private public health insurance

While public insurance plan cost less than the private plans being a part of it means more choices and higher costs but it provides different aspects of coverage, the level of versatility, and service.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Employer-Sponsored Insurance

The largest share of Americans gets insured through their employer with private health insurance. This as form of insurance is considered more as an employee’s fringe or a mandatory perk, and the employer contributes in terms of some form of premium funding.

Employees that are computed through their payroll are usually smaller than an employee’s private plan, though it differs depending on the employer, with less coverage than the individual private plan.

The major benefit of employer sponsored insurance is that the insurance offered covers almost everything, including medical, dental and vision care. Employer can also be able to talk and reach to insurance companies and get better rates since so many people are under the plan.

But usually employees do not have a choice concerning the medical plan that they are offered by the employer they work for and hence they cannot switch employers if they are unhappy with the plans that are on offer.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Individual Private Insurance

Some people who don’t obtain health insurance through their workplace can obtain health insurance. For themselves privately and without the employer’s plan. Through the health insurance marketplace created by ACA or directly from the insurance companies. These include the bare-bones catastrophic plans and other expanding plans. Which allow coverage of all the healthcare options that people need.

Difference public private health care | insurance aims| insuranceaims
Difference public private health care | insurance aims| insuranceaims

Because private insurance is fund individually it is more friendly when it comes to customization where individuals have the privilege of choosing their insurance according to their medical needs and financial strength. However, private insurance can be very costly, as even younger and healthier individuals who do not meet the ACA’s subsidy criteria can attest to.

It is also important to point out that even while affecting enrolment and access to care, deductibles and co-pays can be sizable, may present barriers for patients with low income.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Examining public and private health insurance

The fundamental differences between public and private health insurance can be understand through several factors: as cost, access, extent of cover and quality of health care.


Common features of PHIPs are that they are relatively cheaper than private insurance especially for the less privileged. For example, Medicare pays a significant number of health care expenditures of the elderly, although Medicaid covers most expenditures for eligible impoverished citizens. Both approaches are designe to help remove some of the economic impediments to obtaining it.

 However, beneficiaries may encounter other cost such as deductibles, co-payments and premium especially with Medicare. Such health plans are considere to be costlier than the public insurance, especially the insurance policies that are bought by the policyholder. This is usually cheaper for employers in the sense that the employer pays only part of the premiums.

But this actually still comes out of the pocket of employees. Private insurance also encompasses direct charges from the insured such as the stipulated amount known as deductible, the cost sharing component known as the copayment as well as other additional charges known as co-insurance.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Accessibility

Regimes of public insurance are intend to guarantee the population’s access to medical care for certain categories of citizens for more years, with limited financial resources, or with limited health capabilities.

However, Medicare and Medicaid, are two of the most popular insurance programs, although the criteria for their enrollment may differ; especially Medicaid depends on the income levels and the state legislation.

Private insurance also come with extra benefits concerning the choice of service providers and possibilities of choices in coverage. Yet, it is important to note that getting private insurance is also can be costly hence some individuals cannot afford them.

Few citizens can afford to pay for private insurance on their own and people who do not have insurance through their places of work often cannot get insurance because they cannot pay the high costs.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Coverage

The insurance schemes encompass different entitles or sectors and there is a spectrum of difference between those schemes with wider coverage. That is, Medicare has a combination of direct access to all levels of care, including inpatient hospital services, outpatient services, and prescription drugs.

Services that are covered under Medicaid include preventive care, hospital care, and mental health despite the fact that the kind of services that are provide can vary from one state to the other. The private insurance plans may be dissimilar depending on the insurer and the level of plan taken. There are some highly comprehensive health plans.

That will give the contributor fairly deep pockets when it comes to out-of-pocket expenses, trailing off into some rather rudimentary coverage at a much lower general expense. That is why free private insurance provides individual citizens with an opportunity to choose the most suitable plan to be covere under, but there is a downside to this: coverage is not consistent at all.

Public vs Private Health Insurance: Quality of Care

The aspects of quality of care is one of the biggest concern in both public and private insurance. Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries also may have difficulty obtaining care because of shortages of sufficient numbers of providers, especially in rural or other underserved settings. Employer-sponsored private health insurance most of the time has a larger panel of participating doctors.

And can offer better care and services. But again the possession of private insurance does not ensure better treatment is going to be provided. Examples include increased premium charges and increased out of pocket costs that can complicate access to care for many people especially if they have chronic illnesses or coming from a low income background.

Also, insurance companies may focus on strictly cost containment measures like paying for fewer services, sparing some expensive treatments, or avoiding some necessary medications to visit insuranceaims.

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